Welcome to Gozo Minor Seminary


Wara li kien ilu ħajtu kollha jistenna l-mument li jkollu il-biljett rebbieħ...

Twanny ma daħkitlux ix-xorti iżda mhux hekk nistgħu ngħidu għall-udjenza. Dan għaliex huma daħku, ferħu, skantaw u stagħġbu bil-produzzjoni ferm sabiħa u professjonali li l-istaff tas-Seminarju Minuri tal-Qalb ta’ Gesu’ tellgħu nhar it-Tnejn 5 ta’ Dicembru. Il-kitba tal-għalliem is-Sur Alex G. Farrugia hija sinonima mal-iskola tagħna filwaqt li flimkien mad-direzzjoni tas-Sur Jamie Camilleri kienu riċetta ta’ suċċess għal darb’ohra. Apprezzament kbir imur għal dawk il-membri tal-istaff kollha li ħadmu bla heda biex il-Lotterija ġiet segwita minn udjenza li attendew bi ħġarhom fis-sala tat-Teatru Astra. Grazzi lill-atturi, għalliema u l-istudent u grazzi specjali lill-isponsors kollha li ghenu biex din il-produzzjoni  setgħet tirnexxi.




After a lifetime of trying his luck at winning the lottery, only to be constantly disappointed, the same cannot be said to the audience at the Astra which has been thoroughly entertained during the professionally produced comedy which took place on Monday the 5th of December.


The script of ‘Il-Lotterija’ (The Lottery), as was the case in other productions, was penned by Mr Alexander G. Farrugia, one of our own members of staff and directed by Mr Jamie Camilleri. The concert was well-attended. A huge thank you goes to all the members of staff who dedicated their time in the successful planning and execution of this production. Last, but surely not least, this production would not have been possible without the ample help of the many sponsors who support our school.

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